Як скласти пропозицію з DID?


  1. I did not sleep last night. — Я не спав минулої ночі.
  2. Students (they) did no listen to the lecture. — Студенти не слухали лекції.
  3. The dog (it) didn't jump. — Собака не стрибав.
  4. Mary (she) didn't play football. – Мері не грала у футбол.

Як написати пропозицію в минулому часі?

My wife went shopping with friends останній день.

  1. I didn't work yesterday because I was sick.
  2. What language did you learn at school?
  3. My friend bought a new car last month.
  4. I had a very hard day.
  5. Why didn't they do this work on time?
  6. We didn't play football last Saturday because of the bad weather.

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